We are pleased to announce that our office is now a partner with Veterans Affairs. Dr. Young and.Dr. Hilbert have a Veterans Choice Plan (VCP) agreement to provide the services of acupuncture and chiropractic to any veteran who has authorized treatment thru their VA provider clinic. The doctors have been in chiropractic practice in the West Chester area for over 34 years and acupuncture practice for over 14 years. Both doctors are licensed in acupuncture and chiropractic. Our office is·open six days per week.
There are specific steps and requirements to use your VA benefits outside the VA clinics that need met before being seen in our office. Begin by calling VA Health Care Benefits at 1-877-222-8387 (this phone number is on the back of your US Department of Veterans Affairs enrollee card.) If there is a specific service(s) you are interested in at our office, such as acupuncture and/or chiropractic, be sure to mention your request to your VA provider. However, authorization for any service{s) is ultimately determined by your VA clinic provider.
Some of the reasons the VA may allow a veteran to be seen outside of the VA are the following: